From Dental Hygienist & Myofunctional Therapist to Massage Therapist, Rebecka has seen it all and understands what it’s like to advance in a specialized field. She’s got the skills to help you get there.


All About Becka!

In healthcare, grasping one's "why" is crucial. It fuels the passion and drive of providers to exceed expectations for their patients, sparking a commitment to profoundly impact lives. 


  • Elevate your practice with the 5-day Orofacial Rehabilitation Course, designed to help you become a sought-after referral provider.
  • Gain advanced expertise in TMJ care, pre-surgical preparation, and post-operative support, enabling you to guide clients through their dental and surgical journeys.
  • Master techniques like rehabilitative tongue therapy and lymphatic drainage to deliver exceptional results.
  • Enhance your communication with medical & dental providers.
  • Deepen your understanding of orofacial function.
  • Provide comprehensive, specialized care that sets you apart.


Workshop Date(s): 

October 12 - 16 - Tumwater, WA

Take Me There!


The Massage Team

"Becka is crazy knowledgeable and uniquely specialized.

EVERYONE in the dental professions, massage professions - as well as the wider PT/chiro/ortho/speech/Acu/etc professions - could learn a ton from her."

Natasha DeFendis

"I just completed a 1:1 coaching session with Becka and I am blown away with the information and guidance I was provided with! The knowledge and passion she has for patient care is unmatched. Anyone who participates in coaching with her will gain additional knowledge and a higher level of confidence in treatment planning."
Infinite Hygiene Consulting
(Nationally or Locally) Approved PACE Program Academy of General Dentistry Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority, or AGD endorsement. 07/01/23 to  06/30/2026.  Provider ID #377482